“PACO LA ROSA is a fictitious character whose name echoes a certain international political context, for others it’s about clichés or a contemporary pop culture. But also to a wide field of action for today’s creatives.
As surreal, disruptive and disconcerting as it may be, this ever-changing entity will be embodied by more than 30 artists and designers from around the world invited to join this adventure.
On the occasion of the first events, the Collection—000 is thus set up by Julian Baiamonte. It will be exhibited in 4 cities (Barcelona, New York, Paris and Berlin) and offers a wide range of works to engage in a conversation with the public.”
Exhibition project is on hold due to COVID-19.
Nomen est omen, the name is a sign – and Paco la Rosa is no exception. As a compulsive collector whose projects involve nature and flowers, he has taken particular interest in roses.
This of course comes back to his conceited nature – a man who is not only in love with himself, but also deeply in love with his name and what it stands for. He naturally identifies strongly with roses, as rose is the most famous and loved flower, known for its outstanding beauty and scent. His irresistible urge to be the fairest of them all results to his obsessive lifelong quest to find, collect and eliminate all his competitors – that is, over three hundred of different rose species and thousands of cultivars.